Memoirs of a Girl in Mumbai




A Word of Caution

Friday, October 27, 2006

Not making specific references to anyone...

This article reminds me of the time when Eileen spent 5 days on a log and someone unapologetically deleted more then half of it.

sotsh @ 1:04 PM | 0 comments

I Sold Myself

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I sold myself to the company for another 3 months.

I sold myself for more money.

I sold myself to vomit more blood.

I sold myself to train more new staff.

I sold myself hoping that these 3 new staff would be much better than the first 2.

I sold myself for more long nights in the office.

I sold myself to witness the failure of the decentralization project.

I hope I did the right thing.

sotsh @ 7:17 PM | 0 comments

Chewing Gum Advertisments

These are the ads I mentioned some time back about shiny teeth.

sotsh @ 10:05 AM | 0 comments

The Current Situation in Our Office

Friday, October 06, 2006

We are collecting bets as to when the comic will come true.

sotsh @ 11:01 AM | 0 comments

I Am Back!

Yes, I am back.

This is not about a girl in Mumbai anymore. But about a girl working with people in Mumbai.

Working with them has given me too much pent up frustrations that I can't let this blog rest in peace.

Just yesterday, we had a conference call with the Director of the Mumbai office. He asked us to give him a timeline and workflow for the thousandth and one time.

Then later, as the call progressed, he said that the India market is very chaotic and that Indians never follow timelines.

So why the hell (pardon the language) did he want us to come up with a timeline in the first place? Furthermore, we have already gone through the timeline with our understudies so many times when we were in India. Others who went over to India also went through the timelines with everyone concerned. IS even did process flow in soft copy for all of them.

I really see no point in the phone conference except that either the Director was too free and wanted to fill his time in the office (Which is highly probable since during the time there, I always see him walking around the office talking to his staff. He is hardly ever in his office.) or that he is getting too many emails from us and thinks that we are too free so he wanted us to do some things to fill up our time instead of writing emails.

sotsh @ 10:33 AM | 0 comments